If it’s only ‘Easter’ and not a ‘Happy Easter’ for you, perhaps it’s time to make some changes. Many people who are suffering with depression and anxiety and it’s increasing as people try to cope with the demands of busy lives as well as their own psychological problems. Hypnotherapy is an effective, life-changing process which many clients are extremely happy they chose to help. Many sufferers prefer to stay at home and live in isolation because it’s an easier option and it feels safer to be home alone. Hypnotherapy is extremely effective for treating anxiety, depression, social anxiety, alcohol dependence and fear of public transport as well as many other concerns such as fear of public transport.
Social anxiety can mean you miss out on special occasions and become alcohol dependent
For some people the struggle with social anxiety means they miss out on special occasions or they become alcohol dependent in order to cope with those situations. Many people who are isolated, at home, also become alcohol dependent as they drink to cope with the loneliness, anxiety and depression. Alcohol dependency is also increasing.
While some people avoid social situations because of social anxiety, others avoid taking public transport because they fear taking public transport. Their fear of public transport means their quality of life suffers.
Tiredness from depression and anxiety can mean poor performance at work
Sadly people who suffer from depression and anxiety don’t sleep well and that leaves them feeling tired and lethargic and that affects their work performance. Feeling tired and unmotivated, people feel less inclined to exercise and take good care of their bodies and they often gain weight. A poor self-image then affects their self-esteem and that escalates their unhappiness.
Often anxiety and depression are not realised until many areas of your life is adversely affected
Many people, are unaware they are depressed and anxious until many areas of their life are negatively affected and it is usually then that they realise they need help in order to live life the way they used to. If you are experiencing symptoms of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, sleep disorders and/or addictions, hypnotherapy can be life-changing and often in only a 3-4 sessions. Two minds are better than one. My mind plus your mind can make a huge difference to the way you feel about yourself and your life. Call now to schedule a consultation; the first 30 minutes of the consultation are free. 07834 761882