Anxiety symptoms include:
Some physical symptoms of anxiety include feeling hot, sweating excessively, headaches, pain/pressure, tightness in chest, palpitations, tingling or numbness in fingers or toes or other parts of body, difficulties sleeping (insomnia) feeling weak, tired or lethargic, bruxism / teeth grinding which can case jaw and headaches, nail biting, biting the skin around nails, premature aging, stuttering, stammering, blushing, over eating / under eating, inability to relax and ringing in the ears (tinnitus) and many more.
Experience the power of mind over matter to reduce anxiety, depression and more…
Hypnotherapy is a safe process of relaxation which the client allows the hypnotherapist to guide them into; it is generally described as an extremely pleasant state of relaxation. The client remains in control of whether they want to be hypnotised, as well as controlling the level to which they allow themselves to be hypnotised. It is a sleep-like state (but not sleeping) and can bring about an altered state of awareness. Hypnosis is a natural and effective technique, enabling us to access our subconscious mind that is the key to unleashing our potential, changing our unhealthy beliefs, unwanted thoughts and behaviours as well as finding solutions to our problems.
We experience hypnosis several times every day; it is a state that occurs naturally when your attention is fixed on something so much that it absorbs us at the exclusion of everything else. Many people experience self-hypnosis when driving a car or watching television. Have you ever driven somewhere familiar and reached your destination wondering why you can’t remember much of the journey? Many people have that experience of self-hypnosis. Additionally, you may recall times when you were daydreaming and found you had great ideas and found effective solutions to problems during that time – this is one of the benefits of hypnosis. Clients often feel anxiety about having hypnosis however once they experience hypnosis, they look forward to the next session of hypnotherapy.
During hypnosis, the subconscious part of your mind, the part which influences mental and physical functions, becomes more aware and also more receptive to the therapy, as well as being receptive to the agreed suggestions the hypnotherapist makes during hypnosis. Thus change can happen quickly and easily with our subconscious mind in agreement with the suggestions made by the hypnotherapist. If you become more aware through hypnosis, the message is absorbed more easily and if the message is absorbed more easily, the response is better and change happens more quickly. Hypnotherapy utilises imagery, visualisation, relaxation and therapy for you to access your full self.
Following a consultation to explore your needs and how best to address them, with your agreement, I will guide you into a relaxed and comfortable state of hypnosis and give suggestions for the goals and changes, which we were explored previously.
Hypnotherapy is used alongside your own willpower and motivation to achieve your desired goal. It can be used to enhance performance in areas such as sport and public speaking and to reduce anxiety, exam nerves and audition nerves, as well as increasing memory retention and retrieval of information for exams. Individuals who have experienced hypnotherapy describe it as relaxing, calming and enjoyable.
What you can expect…
Prior to your appointment, you will be asked to complete a confidential questionnaire which will help me to prepare for your first session. You may find that the questions help you gain a more thorough understanding of the presenting issue, in addition to becoming aware of some of the influences that may contribute to the problem. Others have found this experience helpful and often cathartic. During our exploratory chat, we will go over your questionnaire and gather more information in order to find any obstacles that may have previously stopped you from living the life you deserve.
We will discuss what you would like to work on and develop goals. I will explain what hypnosis is and answer any questions you may have. When it is appropriate to use hypnosis (or deep state of relaxation), I will seek your permission to proceed and gently guide you, using breathing, listening and visualisations, into a relaxed, comfortable state where you are more suggestible. While in this wonderfully relaxed state, you can come out of hypnosis whenever you wish however, most people enjoy being in this stress-free, peaceful state.
Using my extensive experience, I will tailor your hypnosis to your particular personality and your specific needs. Your mind will accept or reject any of the positive suggestions that will be given during hypnosis. Hypnosis is perfectly safe, you cannot become stuck in a state of hypnosis; regardless of what you conclude from stage hypnosis, you will be 100% in control in fact you control whether you are hypnotised, how long you remain hypnotised and how deeply you allow yourself to be hypnotised. You will be fully aware of what is happening throughout the time you are hypnotised.
The process of hypnosis
During hypnosis, a series of visualizations and positive suggestions directly relating to the presenting issue and exploratory chat we had are given to clients in order to replace old, negative associations with new, positive associations, thus the changes to manifest are always positive. With my experience and guidance, you will find it quicker and easier make the changes you desire as well as reduce any anxiety you are experiencing.
After a course of hypnotherapy, people have been surprised to find themselves feeling much more relaxed and better able to live their lives in a more positive way with far greater personal resources and far less anxiety..